Not A Commodity

August 9, 2023
Alex Emmart

Building a reputation in a highly competitive field of Extract, Transform & Load (ETL) tools is no easy task. Some companies promise a lot but deliver very little. Others have a broad range of customers across a variety of industries with basic functionality to meet all of their individual needs. There are many options to choose from, but it's imperative that a solution with roots in your specific field is identified. How does one choose which direction to go when selecting a bridge between databases and a third party Customer Relationship Manager (CRM)?

When it comes to Higher Education, there is one clear winner - Axiom Elite. With over 350 clients in the sector, it's the top data integration hub in the field, due to not only the versatility and customization capabilities, but also the accessibility of support and the consistent evolution of the product. Axiom Elite is one of the few companies that specifically services the Higher Education community and offers a focused integration experience that was built with colleges, universities and collegiate systems in mind. With a combined experience of over 200 years in the field, many staff members come from a Higher Education background and have firsthand knowledge of how institutions process their data. That kind of accumulated expertise amounts to one thing: a company you can trust.

In essence, Axiom staff become an offshoot of a schools IT department, managing integrations and assisting various departments with any needs while integrating data. Jeff Leisse, Head of Product and Vice-President of Axiom Elite, hopes that customers think of the Axiom team as "Trusted Advisors in Higher Education". He continued on to say that "Our goal is to not only to create new references and clientele, but also to demonstrate that we believe that honesty adds value to retaining our current clients." Built on a holistic foundation of trust and honesty, Axiom defines itself through its outstanding relationships, positive reputation, and welcoming approachability.

While other ETL tools may demonstrate a general knowledge of CRM's, make promises of shortened implementation timelines or boast a large social media following, Axiom Elite addresses issues on a case by case method. No two business processes are the same and Axiom staff work with each institution to troubleshoot their individual needs and build an integration that is unique to fit a workflow. When it comes to Higher Education, the choice is clear and the results speak for themselves.